Vintage quilts with lots of love left.

My grandmother was a quilter, my great grandmother was a quilter, and the women in my husbands family were quilters. I have a grandma’s flower garden quilt (over 100 years old) on my wall that my great grandmother stitched and quilted by hand. My mother-in-law made a comment one day that she wished she had some of her mothers quilts to give to her grandkids, and so it began. I bought a very cheap sewing machine on eBay, a Quilting for Dummies book and everything I needed to make a quilt and went to work and never looked back.

Last year my husband built The Cottage. The Cottage has been an amazing place to relax, sew and just enjoy my childhood memories. I have filled The Cottage with antique quilts, my grandmothers sewing basket, and my great grandmothers rocking chair. 

When I have a stressful day, I sit on the couch and pull the positive vibes from both my grandmothers, reset and start again. My 7 year old grand daughter has made 2 quilts in The Cottage. I hope to give her special memories like my grandmother and great grandmother gave me.

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